CHAPTER 3: Yomria


Hand Of Fate
Kari:Wow Look people (something caught her eye) thats Davis !!!
Davis: Look the New girl on the block Hi New girl
Kair: Hi
Davis you wanna meet my friend
davis: whats your Name
Kari: a mmmmmmm.......! Yomria
Davis: TK come down Here
Tk coming
Yomria: HI
Tk: Hi
Davis: lets go to school
=========During Recess======
Yomria was hanging upside down on the swings
TK was swinging
Davis Balancing a Ball on his head
Yomria:So hows your Cheimstery going
Tk: how did you Know
Yomria: you look like that tpye
Davis: thats true gusses what I 'm good at
Yomria: (swinging up side down) P.E
Davis: right
Tk: You can swing up side down
She talked has she swinged past him
Yomaria: yeah
Tk: kari cound do that
she looked at tk she fell
Yomria: ahhhhh
Tk:(tk caught) wow you are so much like kari
LIKe it hope so BYE


Chapters: 1 2 3 4