Heya all and here’s chapter 6 now ^_^


Chapter 6: a New promise in Love


Back in Odaiba TK and Kari realized they were never ready for a baby to come to Gatomon and Patamon, let alone with TK’s and Patamon’s revival from beyond the grave.


“Kari, think everybody will accept me back on the team?” TK asked her a bit nervous


“I’m sure of it TK” Kari replied with a smile as they entered the Kamiya home with the digimon and Hikaru.


“Patamon I never expected me to be a mother, especially with you” Gatomon said with a smile causing Patamon to blush.


“ Hey guys” Agumon greeted them as he waved, he blinked seeing the baby white Patamon in Gatomon’s arms “hey congrats you guys, never knew you mated too” the dinosaur digimon said as Patamon and Gatomon blushed


“Well this cute little one came out as a product of true love” Gatomon replied


“I see” Agumon smiled as he sat down


“Kari I’m glad your ok and TK, welcome home “ Tai said as TK smiled and sat down, TK still kept his gold D-3 in his hand “TK where did you get that D-3?” the first digidestined leader asked


“It came from my old d-3 when it was damaged during the fight between the darkness in my body and Patamon’s and with Veemon, when Patamon was losing my D-3 activated this golden mode and enabled Patamon to digivolve into Kami Patamon” TK explained.


“So that’s how he beat Kami Veemon” Tai said surprised.


“Yup Taichi he sure surprised us all” Kari said as she put her arms on TK’s shoulders


“Yup, uncle Tai I never knew Patamon could digivolve like that” Hikaru said as Tai blinked at her


“TK did you and Kari??” Tai said almost fainting


“Taichi we never did” Kari replied


“Yeah, she appeared here to help bring hope back here” TK said as Tai calmed down


“Oh” Tai sighed in relief


“Kari when me and Patamon were possessed did you know that wasn’t me and Patamon but the evil infested in us?” TK asked her


“I knew but I wasn’t sure, and I’m sorry for hurting you” Kari said softly


“It’s okay Kari” TK replied


“So guys, what will you guys do for a nursery?” Agumon asked


“Well Kari has some extra room, we could use that “ Gatomon replied as she played with her baby


“Yup, though we might have to get the other supplies like a crib and diapers and other stuff like that” Patamon said as he stretched out.


“Yeah and classes on baby care too” White Patamon giggled as her parents blushed.


“White Patamon I already have some mothering experience, years before Ken appeared as the digimon emperor I was helping Elecmon tend to the digitamas in Primary Village” Gatomon replied


“Yeah and I helped too when TK and I first went there” Patamon said as well.


“TK, they are going to have a nice family soon, I hope we can too” Kari said softly as she can feel TK’s hands on hers


“We will Kari we will” TK said as he smiled


“I’ll be sure to see that “Tai replied.


Later that night TK and Kari watched the stars on the balcony as they sat in silent thought for a while, Kari finally broke the silence as she turned to TK


“TK remember that day when I turned you down?” Kari asked as TK sighed


“I remember well and it was the most painful day in my life” TK replied


“TK I’m sorry” Kari said softly “Had I known Kamibakamon would have possessed you, I would have accepted your proposal” she said wiping a tear away, TK hugged her as he stroked her brown hair and smiled


“It’s okay angel, I’m here now, and that’s what really counts” TK said softly as Kari smiled “ Kari after we finish up with Myotismon I can finally ask you again” he said as Kari looked at him


“TK I’ll be waiting for that day” Kari replied as she and TK shared a long kiss full of passion. After the kiss they stare into each other eyes.


“Kari, I always loved you and never stopped, even when I was in heaven I always kept my heart to you” TK said as Kari smiled


“TK even though I made out with Davis, I never felt for him, I loved you TK, that’s why I begged you to stay when you and Patamon ascended to heaven” Kari said with emotion.


“I know but fate gave us another chance to live, that chance being one thing to keep you and Gatomon safe and to defeat Myotismon” TK said with a smile. He looked at Kari who smiled back.


“TK remember that one time when we were kids at school when Davis kept saying I was his girl and you got to a boiling point?” Kari asked him


“I remember that” TK replied as he and Kari watched the stars.




Two kids head to the park after school as they sat on the swings, one being blonde with a fisherman’s hat on , the other a chestnut brown haired girl who sat on the swing letting the boy push her.


“TK this is fun” Kari giggled, at the time she and TK were 7 years old and in elementary school, but they both shared something in common, they are both digidestined and had seen the defeat of Apocalymon.


“Hey Kari” TK said


“Yeah?” Kari replied as she swung


“I was thinking about our digimon Patamon and Gatomon, I hope they are ok together” TK replied, he still missed Patamon being around.


“Yeah, it was unfair for me to lose Gatomon after all she did to wait for me too” Kari replied


“Yeah but look at it this way Kari, they have each other now” TK said as Kari smiled, TK then sighed “Oh no the baka is here” he said referring to Davis who walked to the swings and looked at Kari.


“Davis, haven’t I told you I don’t like you as a boy friend?” Kari asked as Davis looked at her.


“No but you never said how much you love me like I love you” Davis replied as TK glared at him


“Davis you loser she said she doesn’t like you!” TK yelled at him.


“Why don’t you go bug off somewhere!” Davis shouted at TK “and second of all Kari is my girlfriend and she has no time for a blonde haired crybaby like you to come and claim she’s yours when she’s mine!” he yelled at TK but Davis failed to realize TK’s rage was building now


“Davis go away!” Kari shouted but Davis smiled and took Kari’s hand and then pulled her close up and then kissed her infront of TK


“Kari you know I won’t leave you around with a loser crybaby like him” Davis said as he looked into Kari’s eyes


“Davis I said go away! And I mean it before I call my brother Tai!” Kari shouted buy Davis further ignored Kari as he smiled to her


“Oh come on Kari you have to feel for me sometime” Davis said with a smile as Kari looked at him full of fear, TK took matters into his own hands and grabbed Davis and pulled him away from Kari.


“Davis I had enough of you picking on me!” TK shouted loudly at Davis looking ready to beat him up, Davis shrugged TK off and headed back to Kari.


“TL please leave me and my girlfriend alone!” Davis yelled, TK had enough and grabbed Davis and spun him around and then punched him hard in the mouth busting out one of Davis’ teeth and drawing blood, other kids rushed over to see TK smack Davis and bloody him, they cheered as Davis got up crying and ran off.


“Now who’s the crybaby now?” TK asked as Kari hugged him


“Thanks, never thought I’d see the day when you would come to my aid” Kari said with a smile.


** End Flashback**


“I’ll never forget Davis running home crying like a baby and you hugging me” TK smiled as Kari stood beside him. They both looked at each other deeply as TK put his arms around her


“I love you” they both said at the same time causing them to blush a bit as they got closer and closer till they kissed deeply. Watching all this was Tai who just smiled.


However in Digiworld there is one person who isn’t smiling at all, that person was Davis Motomiya, whom had headed to digiworld to find Veemon and clear up frustration on how TK revived and had Patamon kill Veemon. “It’s not fair! It should have been my happiest day, I had the girl of my dreams, Veemon had his girl and for what??? Some brat claiming to be TB’s comes out of nowhere and ruins my wedding! And TA returns to life and steals Kari and that batpig murdered Veemon!” He shouted as his anger grows now “Damn it all! Why did he get the evolutions Veemon had???? If only somebody could revive Veemon with power beyond Patamon’s!!” Davis shouted as he ran into a deep forest not even noticing the color being gone from the area, Davis hardly noticed since his anger led him to the Dark Ocean.  Davis blinked noticing the darkness around him “Who’s there?” he asked as he looked around. A swirling darkness appears infront of him and speaks in a all too familiar and evil sounding voice


“You want power to kill the angel of hope? Then I can grant your digimon more power than he can use “ The figure smirked.


“ How???? How can you make Veemon more powerful???” Davis asked


“ Place your Digivice into the water before you” The figure grinned


“Alright, anything to beat TB and Patamon!” Davis put his D-3 into the water as it glowed changing it into a black D-3 digivice


“Soon your digimon will be reborn as Black Veemon, and he will have the dark evolutions, forms stronger than Patamon’s Sacred Evolution!” the figure grins and vanishes as Davis smirked a evil looking smirk


Oh geez Davis really did it now and I thought this was going to end well too, I hope TK and Patamon can stop Davis next time on Digimon Digital monsters


To Be Continued in Chapter 7 Darkness Descends! Enter Black Kami Veemon!


Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6