Update 2021-10-06

I still have fond memories of VGFuture, and have recently brought this 'memorial' page back from an archive.

I still occasionally think of all the people we must have influenced over the years, and hope it brings back good memories for you. There were good times. There were bad times, but it's all our history, and that's probably why I'll never let the domain expire.

I just wish I could find more copies of the amazing things people used to create on our forums. I have a couple of backups, but the majority is unfortunately only available in our minds and is left to time's arrow.

So, if you've randomly remembered the site and it brings you some nostalgia, grab a cold drink and toast to the past, present and future. I hope you're all doing well.

P.S: I've also re-activated the email address if you'd like to get in touch.

~ Jess, admin at vgfuture dot com

Goodbye & Thanks

After almost 10 years of service, I have made the decision to close down the VGFuture Forums and remove the downloads that we provide. It has been an interesting few years, having met lots of characters, some became friends, others I haven't heard from in a long time. Since now the website is used to host community projects or personal home pages of people I know, it will remain active for this (I'll provide a list of links later). More and more things have changed with the web, forums are becoming less and less necessary for social communications and I'm not the same age as I was before. No longer a 14 year old with a dial up modem, I'm afraid.

While VGFuture in it's original form has taught me much of what I use today, I feel its time to give her a good send off, and just let the memory of her remain. We've survived hacks, malicious staff members, hosts going two way bananas, storms (I don't think KTC [I think that was her screen-name] ever forgave me for her site PhDream getting deleted. Oops.) and most of all school and college.

Would you like your website hosted on our community projects box? Get in touch, we might consider hosting you if we like your project.

We currently host:
hopelight (Digimon Fan-site & Forum)

List Of People That Made VGFuture possible: (From Memory)
Games Master
Solid Snake
Neo Jerico
Saiken (DMFlash Portal PHP Lead)

Thanks to:
VG Reality (awesome flash animations, maker of "Plastic Hammer")
Krankzinning Studio (awesome flash animations, maker of "Super Mario Reloaded")
VGDC (because Randy sucks.)
PJRPG/PJRoms (Inspiring us to do better than you)
Mr Big T (adult horror games)
Zone Radio Network
The entire emulation/roms community
Also, anyone else we forgot to mention.

So long, and thanks for the memories.

~ Jess, admin at vgfuture dot com